Sitting for hours every day in the office can make muscles in the back, neck and shoulders become sore and cramping. So that this does not interfere with your productivity at work, know various ways to overcome them. Muscles function to help us move. When used excessively, or vice versa, left silent for too long, the muscles will feel stiff, sore, or become cramps, numbness, and tingling. Muscles that often experience cramps, aches, or tingling due to overwork are the calf and leg muscles. However, these complaints can also be felt in other muscles, depending on the activities we do. Overcoming Cramps after Work If your muscles cramp, numb, or tingling after work, do the following ways to relieve and overcome them: 1. Massage and stretch You can relax your muscles by giving a light massage and stretching them. How to stretch cramps or stiff muscles are as follows: If the calf is cramping, stand up and your weight rests on the cramped leg, then bend slightly If your hamstrings...