Preventive mastectomy is a procedure for removing healthy breasts with the aim of preventing breast cancer. Preventive mastectomy is recommended for women who are at risk of developing breast cancer, for example having a mother or sibling suffering from breast cancer.
Based on data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2013, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer suffered by Indonesian women after cervical cancer.
Breast cancer grows in breast tissue, especially in the ducts and glands that produce milk. Preventive mastectomy is one way to prevent breast cancer. The goal of this surgery is to remove all breast tissue that has the potential to develop into breast cancer.
Who is Recommended for a Preventive Mastectomy?
Preventive mastectomy surgery is performed on women at high risk of developing breast cancer. A woman's risk of developing breast cancer will increase if:- Having a mother or sibling suffering from breast cancer.
- Having a breast biopsy showing early breast cancer or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). This is a condition where abnormal cells in the breast tissue are found that have the potential to develop into malignant.
- Having a genetic mutation of BRCA 1 or BRCA 2. This is the main indication of a preventative mastectomy operation in both breasts.
- Having breast cancer in one breast.
- More than 40 years old.
- Perform hormone replacement therapy more than five years after menopause.
- Have a history of radiation therapy to the chest area before the age of 30 years.
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